Saturday, August 20, 2016

Two Women+Baby Travel

The last several hours have been emotionally exhausting and very, very sad. TwoWomenTravel has the worlds attention. But it is really TwoWomenandaBaby Travel. TwoWomenWillReturn (if one of them has not had complications. They happen. Everyone has forgotten Ms. Chithira, who bled to death in a taxi after an abortion at a Marie Stopes Clinic. Safety? More about Stopes later.)
So I have been tweeting to @twowomentravel offering help and begging her to think it over more, links to and information as to how abortion can harm a woman too.
So as usual, I see all this misinformation on tweets about unborn life, abortion. And I have been trying to tweet back with facts and links etc etc. The level of ignorance is very alarming! 'What's the abortion industry?'  Refer him to Sarah Terzo  Nobody has a clue that abortion is harmful to women. Even on a day when Marie Stopes Clinics have had to cancel abortions due to pending investigations about untrained anaesthesia staff and the method of obtaining consents from vulnerable women. So I'm tweeting back links all over the place. If only one person begins to look further and accept the fact that abortion is bad for women too, (nobody mentions a baby in TwoWomenTravel) it will have been worth it. 'Her body her choice' they say. I reply: 'But not her choice to kill. Abortions MUST end in death.'  I am not taking the insults personally, hater etc.
George Soros 47th Munich Security Conference 2011 crop.jpg
George Soros (Wikipedia image)
TwoWomenTravel is great propaganda for the pro-aborts. Added to this, there's a leak that George Soros is funding efforts to repeal the 8th Amendment. Soros of all people. There's big noney for you. Mind your own business Soros and stop trying to end the lives of Irish children.
I have tried to comment on irish times but I think I have been blocked, which is a pity, because I am always polite. Guillaume on the other hand likes to call people Fruitcakes every post he writes. Hardly dignified for the Irish Times. I shall unsub soon. What is the point if they delete civil, and well-written Facts? They have an agenda for sure. I didn;t really beleive it before, but it's dawning on me that the Irish Times do not want the Truth.
It's an ugly war, with very ugly words. Money talks Ugly.
I'm off to eat something and drink a glass of Merlot. Abortion is murder and I believe more and more that it is actually the work of satan. How else can you describe the ending of innocent lives? First the  deceit (it't not a baby') then the killing. Genocide it is.

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