I began this account because I naively thought that repealers didn't know the truth about baby development and the harms that have been proven to do to women who have abortions, in several well-researched studies.
I thought they would be glad to know - because they love women, right? They are all for women's health and rights, yes? And knowledge is Power, yes? Education is good, yes?
My eyes have been opened. They don't want the truth, in fact, that is the very last thing they want! They have an Agenda and nothing will get in the way, certainly not Truth!
It took a few nasty tweets before I got over being surprised and even hurt. I got over that. Now I feel more sorry for them than for myself.
These people do not want Truth.
Not even the Irish Mainstream Media want Truth! Startling, isn't it? Shame on them!
They are OK with Abortion businesses like Marie Stopes hurting women.
They are OK with certain communities killing baby girls before they are born.
They are OK with sentient babies having their limbs pulled off without anaesthesia, or being chemically scalded with an intrauterine infusion. I weep.
They are OK with not informing women about the risks of abortion.
They are OK with shutting everybody up who disagrees with them.
They are OK with killing disabled babies before birth.
The are OK with all unborn babies being Legal Nothings.
They do not want ANY of the above issues addressed! What is this? What can it be?
SATANIC? I don't want to think that, but if you think of Stalin and Hitler, they did exactly the same thing with people they did not want. They deceived the people as to what was going on.
If only they knew how they are being deceived! Satan isn't going to reward them!
If only they would turn to the God of Love, keep His commands, and turn their backs on killing innocent people.
Pro-choice is the choice to kill. If Repeal happens, there will be wholesale slaughter of innocent babies, because the hawkers will be out to offer to solve a womans crisis pregnancy, not caring about anything except money...The Care Quality Commission UK indicted Stopes for trying to induce women to abort. Their staff get bonuses for bringing in abortion business.
This has not made it into the Irish newspapers.
I tried telling the Grim Repealers that God loves them - the response was more anger, insults, foul language, we know where it was coming from.
I feel sorry for them and pray for them. God loves them too and wants them to come back to Him. Some will. Before the Referendum, I hope!
I still love them. God loves them. If only they would turn to Him, He is Mercy and Compassion.
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