the Termination of Pregnancy Bill has now passed the Dail and the Seanad. A few brave TDs and Senators spoke with wisdom and compassion, begging for humane amendments to be added, only to be met with triumphalism and eye-rolling, skitting and interrupting.
It's the most shameful time ever in Irish History.
But it's not over. The President may sign the Bill, but it's an unjust Law.
Now the Minister for Trollies is 'delighted' at the outcome. NARAL tweeted that it was 'so exciting!' Ivana Bacik said something too that you only say when you hear you've passed your exams with honours or something. Everybody it seems, is in a party mood at the prospect of killing babies in Ireland at last. 'Women will never have to travel for health care anymore,' cooed one lady named Lorraine.
Well Lorraine, because the Health Service is just not a Service at the moment, men, women and children have to travel to other jurisdictions for treatment. What about the elderly women with cataracts? What about the children with scoliosis?
Women wanting abortion will push other women down the waiting lists for gynae issues. Ill women perhaps who need biopsies for cancer, and treatment for various gynae problems.
Congratulations, all! You seem to crave it. I can almost see the first abortion carried out in Ireland as a sort of triumphal march. But they won't show any remains.
I've been on social media 'educating' all day. I will continue to open people's eyes to the hidden filth that is the abortion industry.
Friday, December 14, 2018
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Many Yes voters will become Prolife Activists
I have a problem with the Media. It is not what they say it's what they don't say.
Repealers went crazy when they saw photos of preborn babies.
But there's a preborn baby on a poster advising women not to smoke during pregnancy and nobody has rung radio shows about that...go figure.
The Ultimate Hypocrisy is calling the being in the human womb a BABY if wanted and everything but a BABY if he or she is not.
If there is no life in the womb, why bother checking for a heartbeat at antenatal checks? Why keep a Kick Chart?
The prochoice side is so full of HOLES that the only way to shut the prolifers up was to ridicule us, vilify us, suppress our voices and shove 10,000 of us on a Repeal Shield.
One day the truth will come out and Yessers will repent in big numbers. They'll say:
'I never knew. RTE never showed us a scan. Why not? If this referendum was about magpie eggs, wouldn't they have shown us eggs? Baby birds maybe, hatching? Why didn't they show us the little one in the womb?' (foetus is Latin for little one)
They withheld the TRUTH and allowed us to be coerced, bullied and frightened into abortion by a constant trail of Hard Cases and the lie that pregnant women could not being treated for illness in Ireland. A LIE they got away with.
Even episiotomies were blamed on the 8th Amendment! As a midwife, this is tragi-comedy.
Ireland's Saddest Day Ever was May 25th.
But we are not done. We lost the Battle, but the War is still on. Very much on. Notice how the doctors are not running to 'serve women' in abortions? Every doctor knows every abortion ends in the death of a new human being!
Taoiseach, if you want abortions done in Ireland I suggest you quit Leinster House and put on your white coat. (probably a dirty white coat; abortion doctors are reckoned by colleagues to be the lowest in the profession) But you won't, will you? OK for other doctors to do the dirty work you began.
Repealers went crazy when they saw photos of preborn babies.
But there's a preborn baby on a poster advising women not to smoke during pregnancy and nobody has rung radio shows about that...go figure.
The Ultimate Hypocrisy is calling the being in the human womb a BABY if wanted and everything but a BABY if he or she is not.
If there is no life in the womb, why bother checking for a heartbeat at antenatal checks? Why keep a Kick Chart?
The prochoice side is so full of HOLES that the only way to shut the prolifers up was to ridicule us, vilify us, suppress our voices and shove 10,000 of us on a Repeal Shield.
One day the truth will come out and Yessers will repent in big numbers. They'll say:
'I never knew. RTE never showed us a scan. Why not? If this referendum was about magpie eggs, wouldn't they have shown us eggs? Baby birds maybe, hatching? Why didn't they show us the little one in the womb?' (foetus is Latin for little one)
They withheld the TRUTH and allowed us to be coerced, bullied and frightened into abortion by a constant trail of Hard Cases and the lie that pregnant women could not being treated for illness in Ireland. A LIE they got away with.
Even episiotomies were blamed on the 8th Amendment! As a midwife, this is tragi-comedy.
Ireland's Saddest Day Ever was May 25th.
But we are not done. We lost the Battle, but the War is still on. Very much on. Notice how the doctors are not running to 'serve women' in abortions? Every doctor knows every abortion ends in the death of a new human being!
Taoiseach, if you want abortions done in Ireland I suggest you quit Leinster House and put on your white coat. (probably a dirty white coat; abortion doctors are reckoned by colleagues to be the lowest in the profession) But you won't, will you? OK for other doctors to do the dirty work you began.
Monday, May 7, 2018
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
My Response
Dear Editor
I hold one of the accounts blocked by the Repeal_Shield. I see that the administrators have charged that the 8,000
accounts blocked 'have been abusive, have spread misinformation about repeal or abortion, or have engaged in consistent
trolling of pro-choice accounts.'
I trained as a nurse, midwife and public health nurse in Ireland and the UK and worked in Ireland for 20 years. When the
repeal movement began to take off, and questions began to be asked about pregnancy and birth, I thought my knowledge
would be useful. But I was in for a shock. Instead of welcoming information, many repealers were hostile. I was called a
Liar more times than I can count, a Fraud, a Plastic Paddy, (funny) a Fake Nurse, and worse!
All I was doing was sharing my knowledge and experiences during my 40-year career in healthcare, some of them around
abortion in the UK and later, here in the USA, where I live in a State which NARAL give an A grade to. I was never
abusive, never called anybody names. I never spread misinformation, and I have never 'trolled'. The problem I found
though, is that if you contradict the repeal side, they call that trolling.
Name, etc
I hold one of the accounts blocked by the Repeal_Shield. I see that the administrators have charged that the 8,000
accounts blocked 'have been abusive, have spread misinformation about repeal or abortion, or have engaged in consistent
trolling of pro-choice accounts.'
I trained as a nurse, midwife and public health nurse in Ireland and the UK and worked in Ireland for 20 years. When the
repeal movement began to take off, and questions began to be asked about pregnancy and birth, I thought my knowledge
would be useful. But I was in for a shock. Instead of welcoming information, many repealers were hostile. I was called a
Liar more times than I can count, a Fraud, a Plastic Paddy, (funny) a Fake Nurse, and worse!
All I was doing was sharing my knowledge and experiences during my 40-year career in healthcare, some of them around
abortion in the UK and later, here in the USA, where I live in a State which NARAL give an A grade to. I was never
abusive, never called anybody names. I never spread misinformation, and I have never 'trolled'. The problem I found
though, is that if you contradict the repeal side, they call that trolling.
Name, etc
Letter about Repeal Shield to Irish Times!
Sir, – As the administrators of the Repeal Shield twitter account, we would appreciate the opportunity to clarify some points made by Phelim McAleer.
Repeal Shield is a twitter account which uses the freely available “Block Together” tool to block accounts that we feel have been abusive, have spread misinformation about repeal or abortion, or have engaged in consistent trolling of pro-choice accounts.
Our 3,000 users have signed up voluntarily and we have blocked in excess of 8,000 accounts on their behalf.
Contrary to Phelim McAleer’s assertion, none of these accounts have been blocked because of their anti-repeal views. They have been blocked because of the manner of their engagement.
It is also important to note that Repeal Shield users can unsubscribe at any time.
However, our feedback is that the overwhelming majority find their twitter experience greatly enhanced by using the tool.
Finally, Repeal Shield is not affiliated to, or materially supported by, any of the organisations set up to campaign for repeal.
We are an entirely voluntary group set up in order to counter lies and abuse from those who oppose repeal and do not engage in respectful, civilised debate. – Yours, etc,
Dublin 12.
Sunday, February 25, 2018
'Full Access' means 'Until Birth upon Request.'
"We want full abortion access. Nobody that is marching here today.... are not looking for a little bit of abortion, we want full abortion access. At the MINIMUM we want the recommendations of the 'Citizens' Assembly and we won't accept and we can't support any less than that"
Saturday, February 24, 2018
To Young People, TDs, Senators
To Young People
I’m a retired nurse and a veteran of the 1983 Campaign for the 8th Amendment. After our busy shifts on the wards, I and my friends used to go out canvassing the local housing estates to ask people to vote for the Amendment.
Why did I do this? Because I cared about you before you were born. I wanted to keep you safe. I loved you before you were even there. I knew Ireland was a safe place for a woman to be pregnant in. I still love you, and all young people. I’m happy you’re here. The 8th Amendment has saved 100,000 lives since 1994. (Actuarial Report commissioned by the Prolife Campaign, 2016) Celebrate your life.
Abortion’s Hidden
Every profession has its
rotten apples. Dr. Kermit Gosnell was one. He ran a late-term abortion clinic
at Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia. He wasn’t very good at injecting the baby
with digoxin to stop the heart, so he allowed the babies to be born before he
stuck a scissors into the back of the babies neck. Nobody knows how many times
he did this.
Dr. Gosnell also allowed
at least two women to die in his clinic. He injured several more.
He was a rotten apple.
The Authorities were
alerted to his practices several times. They did nothing! Why? Because they
would be accused by the media and our politically correct politicians of
‘restricting abortion access to women.’
So he went on for years.
He was eventually caught
on an illegal prescription charge, when his clinic was raided. The police
officers were horrified. He had ‘trophies’ – fetal feet in jars which he kept
for some weird reason of his own. One thing led to another and soon the FBI
were investigating why he killed live children and why women had died under his
care, and why nobody listened.
The Press area at his
trial was empty. The press ignored it until one journalist, named Molly
Hemingway, brought this up when she was being interviewed on another topic.
He is not an Outlier,
because nobody watches the abortion industry. Everybody is terrified of being
told they are ‘misogynist’.
There are other
testimonies about other abortionists who kill babies born alive, or who hurt
Ireland could have a Dr.
Gosnell. Will the authorities be brave enough to bring him to trial? Will the media
report the trial?
Mary (Surname)
Dear TD,
We are at a
watershed in our history, and your name will be associated forever with
whatever you decide about the 8th Amendment.
You have a God-like
decision to make. Like going to War, because this is life and death.
Women expect you to do
the right thing. Most prolife people are Women.
We think legal abortion
is a very bad idea. Women have better health in countries that don’t have legal
abortion, like Chile and Ireland of course.
Even at 12 weeks, a baby
has all her body parts. Movement is vigourous and she sees more action in one
day than you or I in a year.
She shies away from
intruders, like surgical instruments.
Atrocities will happen,
and will be covered up, like Gosnell in the USA.
55 Babies born alive in
one year in the UK. Covered up. Marie Stopes staff getting bonuses for bringing
in abortion business. Covered up.
Why repeal a Law that
has saved 100,000 lives? It’s like repealing the seatbelt law!
I care about Ireland’s future,
Ireland’s children, Ireland’s future women especially in those communities who
do not value females.
If you make something
legal, people assume it’s all right, after all, the Government is supposed to
pass good laws. And we did, in 1983.
Abortion is a dark,
murky, secret world. If you don’t believe me, read the book about Dr. Kermit
Gosnell. It’s not prolife, it’s not prochoice, it’s
just Facts of a court case.
Irish Children Need You;
Irish women depend on you to make good, life-affirming laws.
Thank you for reading
this if you got this far,
I am praying to the Holy
Spirit to guide you.
Beannacht Dé,
Mary (Surname)
Dear Women TDs
Please don’t claim to
speak for me if you are pro-choice!
There are hundreds of
thousands of Irishwomen who resent prochoice women claiming to speak for all
Please acknowledge that
most Irishwomen are prolife, or at least, that the prolife movement, the Life
Defenders, are mostly women.
In other countries,
abortion is a proven Disaster for women.
Coercion is very common
(30% according to Planned Parenthood’s own research institute, Guttmacher!)
Independent studies put it at over 55%.
is not Choice. Some States in the USA
have found it necessary to pass laws against coercion. (Michigan)
And there’s Gendercide. There
are 100,000,000 missing women because the baby in the womb is a girl.
And it’s fair to say that most of these are coerced abortions! Are you not
outraged? I AM.
Stopes have been indicted on
several health and safety violations, and on hustling for abortion business.
Several studies have
shown a link between surgical abortion and subsequent preterm birth. (Finland,
Klemetti study for one, another in California)
It’s also true that a
young woman gains a measure of protection from breast cancer when she continues
to birth. (that is also why, when you go for a mammogram, they ask you what age
you were when you had your first baby). This is not part of any counselling
session by IFPA or Marie Stopes!
Love Abortion. It covers their crimes very well. They are good
repeat customers so abortion clinics turn a blind eye.
Why will Ireland be any
different from the USA or India or Canada or the UK? It will all happen in
Ireland as well...and anybody, man or woman, who speaks out against it will
be labelled ‘misogynist’ and accused of ‘restricting a woman’s access to an
the only women who really care about women are prolife women
Need I mention
about the link between abortion and suicide. That’s effectively covered up. Not
by you women TDs I hope!
Silencing Women
Melissa Ohden, the
abortion survivor from the USA, has been effectively shut down and silenced by
other women. There are five women in her story. Four were good women; one was
bad. Her grandmother who coerced her birthmother into an abortion and
when the baby was born alive, ordered her left to die.
The silencing by other
women has hurt Melissa, a feminist, more than the fact that her
grandmother was an evil woman who wanted her dead. Like many other women with a
bad abortion story to tell, she was going to give up speaking about her rights
as a human being.
But her birthmother,
with whom she is now in contact, told her: ‘You have to keep speaking up.
You are the only person who has ever spoken up for me.’
Some of you are in
favour of abortion for the first 12 weeks.
Little Ones from
7-12 weeks (foetus is Latin for ‘little one) react just as you and I if attacked
with a knife, arching, evasive movements, screaming.
The First Feminists were
prolife. The New Wave Feminists, that bunch of sassy, tattooed women, are
prolife also.
21st Century. Be Prolife.
Thank you for reading
this, if you got this far.
Praying for the Holy
Spirit to guide you to protect Ireland’s future.
Mary (surname)
Dear Mr. Harris
Here in the USA I heard
about your speech yesterday. How sad to hear a doctor speak like you did, about
the women who make up the prolife movement. Many of us are health
professionals, including myself. Many have had abortions.
I have a bad memory of
assisting at an abortion in the UK when I was a student midwife. It is my
greatest regret. Especially since it was a coerced abortion on a 17-year old
girl, her 2nd abortion. I am a prolife activist because I saw abortion.
As I was doing my rounds
one night on the antenatal ward, I came by a weeping patient. She was
miscarrying her 16-week baby. She said that she was ‘being punished by God’ for
a previous abortion. I comforted her and told her that God is not like that.
Years later, I found out
that perhaps Mother Nature is not as forgiving. Abortion
can damage the cervix.
But nobody tells the
women seeking abortions.
Stopes has been hurting women
for years! – their staff get bonuses for bringing in abortion business!
(Care Quality Commission, 2017). They even ring up women who have changed their
minds and offer them another appointment. Ireland is an untapped market...if
repeal happens I hope they are refused entry, their standards are abysmal. Add
to that, the bulk signing of consent forms, dead foetus’ left in open bins and
the CQC examiner had to intervene when they were forcing an abortion on a
terrified developmentally delayed woman who did not know what was going
on. She had been abused.
of course love abortion. Clinics turn a blind
eye. They are good repeat customers.
I am convinced, from my
observation (38 years since I assisted at that abortion) that the only women
who really care about other women’s health, are prolife women! Norma Corvey of
Roe vs Wade became a prolife activist – she knew she had been used.
An unborn child is not a
Nothing. Never.
I wish you had not been
swayed – do you really want the name of
Mr. Simon Harris to be forever associated with doing away with a lifesaving
your choice.
All of our hearts are
touched by women who have devastating diagnoses about their unborn babies. Is
it not much better for those poor babies who will die to receive loving touches
and kisses, than the ‘paralysing agent’ injected into them, and by the way, is
there an anaesthetic in that drug? If
not, I shudder to think of what they suffer, for many take place after 18 weeks
when pain receptors and developed but natural pain inhibitors are not.
There are photos of
babies with agonising expressions on their dead little faces. I won’t send you
The First Feminists were
against abortion. New Wave Feminists, young sassy women, are prolife
Women in countries with
restrictive abortion laws have better health than USA or UK. Be 21st Century. Be pro-woman. Be prolife.
Thank you for reading
Mary (Surname)
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
Notes given by a PR consultant to a pro-choice group. Dont have any details of who, when or where. Passed by an anonymous source.
See what the other side is up to in Ireland.
(Note wrong spelling of Savita throughout) 1. Campaign must focus on under 45 demographic. 2. Pro-life = Catholic = institutional abuse, corruption, power. 3. Patriarchal. When having debates with PL groups try to push this word. Example I respect your patriarchal view of women's rights. 4. Cut the debate with PL men. Example I respect your view, however it's difficult to debate women's rights with a men who will never face this choice. 5. Be careful using Twitter, Facebook. Keep the pressure on but don't be abusive. Form groups, three responses for every PL tweet or post. Don't attack people unless you have good reason. One liners are ok, wear them down. Avoid being blocked. 6. Organise competition to get students over 18 registered to vote. They can be lazy but very effective. 7. Put pressure on local representatives to get the vote on a Friday or Saturday before students leave university. 8. Revive the home to vote campaign. 9. When debating with clergy be respectful. Praise them for their good work but firmly disagree with an institution which is patriarchal misogynistic and out of touch with women. Example the day when the Catholic Church talks about morals in Ireland is gone. Women have learned to make their own choices. Avoid personal attacks, attack the institution. 10. Remain calm. Stay on point. When in doubt deflect. 11. Crying at the right moment can be an advantage for a woman. But can't be used too often. 12. Don't allow PL to talk too much, get your word in. Talk over them if their logic is capturing the attention of the audience. 13. When they mention baby, remind them that religious emotional rhetoric is not helpful in the debate. 14. Sarvita , Sarvita , Sarvita 15. If appearing on TV dress as if you are going to an interview. 16. Be organised as a group. If there is a pro-choice spokes person on TV or radio ensure you have whatsapp groups setup to notify members so they can support with texts and tweets to the show. 17. Get men involved to promote choice, Colm O'G is a good example and presents well on TV. 18. The last presidential campaign was won with a tweet. We don't encourage using fake accounts, however they can be effective to muddy the waters. We think PL groups use the same. 19. Press PL speakers to voice their views on rape & Incest victims being refused the choice in Ireland. Make sure you keep their views linked to the Catholic Church. 20. Make PL views a religious dogma. When debating you can say you respect your views which many Catholics share in Ireland. However those who don't share those religious views want a choice. 21. Try and get pro-choice supporters into the audience. Encourage them to clap and support you. 22. If debating with a PL person who is not Irish, deflect the focus by saying as an Irish woman, or do you have a vote in this? We have seen PL bring over some Americans to give speeches. 23. There is a march on the 10th of March. Get out on the pavements, form a line along the march. Maybe get t-shirts of sarvita for example. Make sure you get media time. Be very visible, however do not engage or be abusive. Get the media spotlight. 24. Get as many doctors and medical professionals involved as possible. If they are marching ensure they are dressed in hospital attire. 25. Remember to push the word choice. Nobody is being forced to have an abortion we just want the choice. 26. Bring a pea to the debate. Show the audience the size of what is being aborted. Ask them should something the size of a pea have rights over a woman. 27. Remind people that most abortions happen in the first 8 weeks. Use the pea example. 28. Good example is to mention that most abortions are similar to miscarriage. Be careful not to offend. Say abortion is a very very difficult situation for many women, they don't take the choice lightly. Practice carefully this role play. Get the script right. 29. If PL talks about statistics of women who have depression etc.. use the stats we have printed. Be on point and quote studies attached. 30. If you see PL propaganda in hospitals, schools or universities make sure to lodge a complaint. UCD impeachment was excellent work. 31. Keep strategy secret. Delegate to people but keep them focused on specific tasks. 32. Do not dress in black, march as normal professional people. Organise events after protests. Get students and unemployed involved. 33. Make sure your march is always bigger than PL. Make sure everyone marching has a placard. Maybe add ballons for choice to the march. 34. Link PL to Trump, Breitbart, alt-right. Say "your views are shared with many on the extreme right". 35. Use the cheat sheet attached for debates. Learn the stats. Quote from the studies and be confident. 36. Watch the pro-life debates on the DVD. Form groups to discuss and be on point.
(Note wrong spelling of Savita throughout) 1. Campaign must focus on under 45 demographic. 2. Pro-life = Catholic = institutional abuse, corruption, power. 3. Patriarchal. When having debates with PL groups try to push this word. Example I respect your patriarchal view of women's rights. 4. Cut the debate with PL men. Example I respect your view, however it's difficult to debate women's rights with a men who will never face this choice. 5. Be careful using Twitter, Facebook. Keep the pressure on but don't be abusive. Form groups, three responses for every PL tweet or post. Don't attack people unless you have good reason. One liners are ok, wear them down. Avoid being blocked. 6. Organise competition to get students over 18 registered to vote. They can be lazy but very effective. 7. Put pressure on local representatives to get the vote on a Friday or Saturday before students leave university. 8. Revive the home to vote campaign. 9. When debating with clergy be respectful. Praise them for their good work but firmly disagree with an institution which is patriarchal misogynistic and out of touch with women. Example the day when the Catholic Church talks about morals in Ireland is gone. Women have learned to make their own choices. Avoid personal attacks, attack the institution. 10. Remain calm. Stay on point. When in doubt deflect. 11. Crying at the right moment can be an advantage for a woman. But can't be used too often. 12. Don't allow PL to talk too much, get your word in. Talk over them if their logic is capturing the attention of the audience. 13. When they mention baby, remind them that religious emotional rhetoric is not helpful in the debate. 14. Sarvita , Sarvita , Sarvita 15. If appearing on TV dress as if you are going to an interview. 16. Be organised as a group. If there is a pro-choice spokes person on TV or radio ensure you have whatsapp groups setup to notify members so they can support with texts and tweets to the show. 17. Get men involved to promote choice, Colm O'G is a good example and presents well on TV. 18. The last presidential campaign was won with a tweet. We don't encourage using fake accounts, however they can be effective to muddy the waters. We think PL groups use the same. 19. Press PL speakers to voice their views on rape & Incest victims being refused the choice in Ireland. Make sure you keep their views linked to the Catholic Church. 20. Make PL views a religious dogma. When debating you can say you respect your views which many Catholics share in Ireland. However those who don't share those religious views want a choice. 21. Try and get pro-choice supporters into the audience. Encourage them to clap and support you. 22. If debating with a PL person who is not Irish, deflect the focus by saying as an Irish woman, or do you have a vote in this? We have seen PL bring over some Americans to give speeches. 23. There is a march on the 10th of March. Get out on the pavements, form a line along the march. Maybe get t-shirts of sarvita for example. Make sure you get media time. Be very visible, however do not engage or be abusive. Get the media spotlight. 24. Get as many doctors and medical professionals involved as possible. If they are marching ensure they are dressed in hospital attire. 25. Remember to push the word choice. Nobody is being forced to have an abortion we just want the choice. 26. Bring a pea to the debate. Show the audience the size of what is being aborted. Ask them should something the size of a pea have rights over a woman. 27. Remind people that most abortions happen in the first 8 weeks. Use the pea example. 28. Good example is to mention that most abortions are similar to miscarriage. Be careful not to offend. Say abortion is a very very difficult situation for many women, they don't take the choice lightly. Practice carefully this role play. Get the script right. 29. If PL talks about statistics of women who have depression etc.. use the stats we have printed. Be on point and quote studies attached. 30. If you see PL propaganda in hospitals, schools or universities make sure to lodge a complaint. UCD impeachment was excellent work. 31. Keep strategy secret. Delegate to people but keep them focused on specific tasks. 32. Do not dress in black, march as normal professional people. Organise events after protests. Get students and unemployed involved. 33. Make sure your march is always bigger than PL. Make sure everyone marching has a placard. Maybe add ballons for choice to the march. 34. Link PL to Trump, Breitbart, alt-right. Say "your views are shared with many on the extreme right". 35. Use the cheat sheet attached for debates. Learn the stats. Quote from the studies and be confident. 36. Watch the pro-life debates on the DVD. Form groups to discuss and be on point.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Email to Women FG TDs
Dear Women TDs
Please don’t claim to
speak for me if you are pro-choice!
There are hundreds of
thousands of Irishwomen who resent prochoice women claiming to speak for all
Please acknowledge that
most Irishwomen are prolife, or at least, that the prolife movement, the Life
Defenders, are mostly women.
In other countries,
abortion is a proven Disaster for women.
Coercion is very common
(30% according to Planned Parenthood’s own research institute, Guttmacher!)
Independent studies put it at over 55%.
is not Choice. Some States in the USA
have found it necessary to pass laws against coercion. (Michigan)
And there’s
Gendercide. There are 100,000,000 missing women because the baby
in the womb is a girl. And it’s fair to say that most of these are coerced
abortions! Are you not outraged? I AM.
Stopes have been indicted on
several health and safety violations, and on hustling for abortion business.
Several studies have
shown a link between surgical abortion and subsequent preterm birth. (Finland,
Klemetti study for one, another in California)
It’s also true that a
young woman gains a measure of protection from breast cancer when she continues
to birth. (that is also why, when you go for a mammogram, they ask you what age
you were when you had your first baby). This is not part of any counselling
session by IFPA or Marie Stopes!
Love Abortion. It covers their crimes very well. They are good
repeat customers so abortion clinics turn a blind eye.
Why will Ireland be any
different from the USA or India or Canada or the UK? It will all happen in
Ireland as well...and anybody, man or woman, who speaks out against it will
be labelled ‘misogynist’ and accused of ‘restricting a woman’s access to an
the only women who really care about women are prolife women
Need I mention
about the link between abortion and suicide. That’s effectively covered up. Not
by you women TDs I hope!
Silencing Women
Melissa Ohden, the
abortion survivor from the USA, has been effectively shut down and silenced by
other women. There are five women in her story. Four were good women; one was
bad. Her grandmother who coerced her birthmother into an abortion and when the
baby was born alive, ordered her left to die.
The silencing by other
women has hurt Melissa, a feminist, more than the fact that her
grandmother was an evil woman who wanted her dead. Like many other women with a
bad abortion story to tell, she was going to give up speaking about her rights
as a human being.
But her birthmother,
with whom she is now in contact, told her: ‘You have to keep speaking up.
You are the only person who has ever spoken up for me.’
Some of you are in
favour of abortion for the first 12 weeks.
Little Ones from
7-12 weeks (foetus is Latin for ‘little one) react just as you and I if
attacked with a knife, arching, evasive movements, screaming.
The First Feminists were
prolife. The New Wave Feminists, that bunch of sassy, tattooed women, are
prolife also.
21st Century. Be Prolife.
Thank you for reading
this, if you got this far.
Praying for the Holy
Spirit to guide you to protect Ireland’s future.
Emailed to FG TDs
Dear TD,
We are at a
watershed in our history, and your name will be associated forever with
whatever you decide about the 8th Amendment.
You have a God-like
decision to make. Like going to War, because this is life and death.
Women expect you to do
the right thing. Most prolife people are Women.
We think legal abortion
is a very bad idea. Women have better health in countries that don’t have legal
abortion, like Chile and Ireland of course.
Even at 12 weeks, a baby
has all her body parts. Movement is vigourous and she sees more action in one
day than you or I in a year.
She shies away from
intruders, like surgical instruments.
Atrocities will happen,
and will be covered up, like Gosnell in the USA.
55 Babies born alive in
one year in the UK. Covered up. Marie Stopes staff getting bonuses for bringing
in abortion business. Covered up.
Why repeal a Law that
has saved 100,000 lives? It’s like repealing the seatbelt law!
I care about Ireland’s
future, Ireland’s children, Ireland’s future women especially in those
communities who do not value females.
If you make something
legal, people assume it’s all right, after all, the Government is supposed to
pass good laws. And we did, in 1983.
Abortion is a dark,
murky, secret world. If you don’t believe me, read the book about Dr. Kermit
Gosnell. It’s
not prolife, it’s not prochoice, it’s just Facts of a court case.
Irish Children Need You;
Irish women depend on you to make good, life-affirming laws.
Thank you for reading
this if you got this far,
I am praying to the Holy
Spirit to guide you.
Beannacht Dé,
Grim Repealers OK with unTruth
I began this account because I naively thought that repealers didn't know the truth about baby development and the harms that have been proven to do to women who have abortions, in several well-researched studies.
I thought they would be glad to know - because they love women, right? They are all for women's health and rights, yes? And knowledge is Power, yes? Education is good, yes?
My eyes have been opened. They don't want the truth, in fact, that is the very last thing they want! They have an Agenda and nothing will get in the way, certainly not Truth!
It took a few nasty tweets before I got over being surprised and even hurt. I got over that. Now I feel more sorry for them than for myself.
These people do not want Truth.
Not even the Irish Mainstream Media want Truth! Startling, isn't it? Shame on them!
They are OK with Abortion businesses like Marie Stopes hurting women.
They are OK with certain communities killing baby girls before they are born.
They are OK with sentient babies having their limbs pulled off without anaesthesia, or being chemically scalded with an intrauterine infusion. I weep.
They are OK with not informing women about the risks of abortion.
They are OK with shutting everybody up who disagrees with them.
They are OK with killing disabled babies before birth.
The are OK with all unborn babies being Legal Nothings.
They do not want ANY of the above issues addressed! What is this? What can it be?
SATANIC? I don't want to think that, but if you think of Stalin and Hitler, they did exactly the same thing with people they did not want. They deceived the people as to what was going on.
If only they knew how they are being deceived! Satan isn't going to reward them!
If only they would turn to the God of Love, keep His commands, and turn their backs on killing innocent people.
Pro-choice is the choice to kill. If Repeal happens, there will be wholesale slaughter of innocent babies, because the hawkers will be out to offer to solve a womans crisis pregnancy, not caring about anything except money...The Care Quality Commission UK indicted Stopes for trying to induce women to abort. Their staff get bonuses for bringing in abortion business.
This has not made it into the Irish newspapers.
I tried telling the Grim Repealers that God loves them - the response was more anger, insults, foul language, we know where it was coming from.
I feel sorry for them and pray for them. God loves them too and wants them to come back to Him. Some will. Before the Referendum, I hope!
I still love them. God loves them. If only they would turn to Him, He is Mercy and Compassion.
I thought they would be glad to know - because they love women, right? They are all for women's health and rights, yes? And knowledge is Power, yes? Education is good, yes?
My eyes have been opened. They don't want the truth, in fact, that is the very last thing they want! They have an Agenda and nothing will get in the way, certainly not Truth!
It took a few nasty tweets before I got over being surprised and even hurt. I got over that. Now I feel more sorry for them than for myself.
These people do not want Truth.
Not even the Irish Mainstream Media want Truth! Startling, isn't it? Shame on them!
They are OK with Abortion businesses like Marie Stopes hurting women.
They are OK with certain communities killing baby girls before they are born.
They are OK with sentient babies having their limbs pulled off without anaesthesia, or being chemically scalded with an intrauterine infusion. I weep.
They are OK with not informing women about the risks of abortion.
They are OK with shutting everybody up who disagrees with them.
They are OK with killing disabled babies before birth.
The are OK with all unborn babies being Legal Nothings.
They do not want ANY of the above issues addressed! What is this? What can it be?
SATANIC? I don't want to think that, but if you think of Stalin and Hitler, they did exactly the same thing with people they did not want. They deceived the people as to what was going on.
If only they knew how they are being deceived! Satan isn't going to reward them!
If only they would turn to the God of Love, keep His commands, and turn their backs on killing innocent people.
Pro-choice is the choice to kill. If Repeal happens, there will be wholesale slaughter of innocent babies, because the hawkers will be out to offer to solve a womans crisis pregnancy, not caring about anything except money...The Care Quality Commission UK indicted Stopes for trying to induce women to abort. Their staff get bonuses for bringing in abortion business.
This has not made it into the Irish newspapers.
I tried telling the Grim Repealers that God loves them - the response was more anger, insults, foul language, we know where it was coming from.
I feel sorry for them and pray for them. God loves them too and wants them to come back to Him. Some will. Before the Referendum, I hope!
I still love them. God loves them. If only they would turn to Him, He is Mercy and Compassion.
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