Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Wasting my Time with the Irish Times


Fintan O'Toole has called those of us who believe life begins at conception 'zygopaths'. Say that word out loud. What is he really saying?

Here's a letter I penned to the Editor of the Irish Times this morning. They should be totally ashamed of themselves!  I subscribed to their digital edition in good faith, thinking that perhaps there were a few things I could say that could light up a dark corner of their minds. I've been studying the abortion culture for 35 years; I looked after mothers and babies, you'd think they'd be grateful for a few thoughts. But no - they are superior intellect, and don't dare challenge them!

Dear Editor
I tried to submit a comment on your website but the submit button didn’t work and my laptop started to sound like a plane taking off.  My laptop is new but your website causes a lot of memory problems.
This is in response to your sanitised video of the March for Choice on Saturday 24th which appears on today’s newsfeed.
Your cameras deftly avoided the disgusting signs. I’ve seen at least five. They can be viewed at: http://celticmidwife.blogspot.com/. My apologies for their rude and graphic nature, but the mainstream media didn’t even mention they existed, and someone has to try to tell the full story, amateurs like me on social media, etc. Because you are not doing your job.
Those who dehumanise the unborn child also dehumanise themselves. Even Planned Parenthood, in the 1950’s, said:  ‘Abortion kills the life of a baby.’ Then after RvW, they saw the dollar signs. Suddenly it’s not a baby any longer, even when ultrasound showed human beings kicking, turning, sucking fingers etc.
I’ve decided to unsubscribe from The Irish Times as I don’t want to help fund Repeal the 8th. Repeal has billionaire George Soros for that.  Don’t you know that the choice to kill an unborn baby leads to all kinds of Atrocities (babies left to die, babies killed after birth etc, all that stuff that you wish to ignore to be trendy and politically correct. Ever heard of Dr. Kermit Gosnell? I suppose not. America’s most prolific serial killer, he found it more convenient to wait until the babies were born before killing him or her. ‘This one’s so big it could walk me to the bus!’ Canada has at least two hundred babies born alive, left to die, each year. And the New York Times interviewed Ailbhe Smyth, who raved about the Canadian model.
Not to mention the harm the abortion industry does to women. Marie Stopes, how’s that nowadays? Something about untrained staff and consent problems with vulnerable women. Never mind. Old news, one-day only – now thankfully buried. Abortion has to be good! Has to be!
Just so you know what the Irish Times is supporting by pushing abortion – sorry, choice.
I hope that this letter will suffice as an Unsubscription Notice, because I can’t find the link to unsubscribe under Account etc. Please no point in telling me to go back and try. Your website uses up more memory than my  new laptop can cope with.

My Name

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