Monday, February 3, 2020


Professor Stuart Derbyshire 2006:

‘Avoiding a discussion of fetal pain with women requesting abortions is not misguided paternalism but a sound policy based on good evidence that fetuses cannot experience pain.’

Professor Stuart Derbyshire 2020 (with Professor John Brockman):

‘Fetal analgesia and anaesthesia should thus be standard for abortions in the second trimester, especially after 18 weeks when there is good evidence for a functional connection from the periphery and into the brain.’

‘Fetal analgesia results in a fetus with lowered blood pressure and reduced heart rate, and a fetus that is still and appears quiescent and calm.’


This is a horrible subject. It goes without saying that everybody undergoing a painful procedure should have pain relief.

As should unborn babies, (or foetuses, if you prefer).

Ah but they don’t suffer, they aren’t sentient, say the pro abort crowd. A clump of cells (yes, they’re still saying that!) a parasite (parasites are always different species) a blob of tissue, etc.

I wish with all my heart that these people are right. Because for 30+ years now we in USA and UK and other parts of the ‘civilised’ world have scalded and dismembered these little ones to bring about their demise. We’ve done this to millions of tiny silent human beings with the ability to experience pain in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

I have no more words. If the pro-abortion lobby turn their backs, if they stop up their ears, shut their eyes - if they choose to ignore, if they don’t care , History will condemn them later. Hopefully before they die, so they can repent and not go to Hell, which is what you get for inflicting pain, injury and death on innocent human beings.

Their descendants will be ashamed to claim them.

As usual, the intellectual mainstream media are ignoring this. Surely there are several souls among the media who are very uneasy with enabling legal abortion?  They need to have courage to speak out and join us to try make abortion unthinkable.