Sunday, August 30, 2020


  Imagine a just-born infant lying on a cold slab, no cuddles or hugs to reassure her, no tender voice, cold and alone until she dies from neglect. Perhaps she is given a sedative to stop her crying and disturbing the consciences of those who left her there.

Some time ago a parish bulletin insert urged us to contact our public representatives about immigration policies, so the Church DOES get involved in politics sometimes, when the need is urgent.

It’s urgent now.

The Left have the clear intention of dehumanizing the unborn child for all nine months of pregnancy and even the born infant may also be deemed not human enough to fall under the protection of the Law. (Governor Northam, January 2019, and the Democrats that vote against medical care for babies like the above).

Late-term abortion is being normalized all over America. If there’s a victory for the Democrats in November, expect more tiny victims. For Harris supports infanticide.  As California’s Attorney General she also aggressively went after undercover journalist David Daleiden who exposed the trafficking of baby parts from Planned Parenthood, collaborating with that organization to nail him.

The Shepherds can stop Catholics from voting for Biden-Harris. Just tell us the facts. For the love of the smallest lambs, don’t allow these infanticidal politicians to get into power. Our own Senator Patty Murray votes to block medical care for infants that survive abortion. Why do Catholics vote for her? Do we not know? Maybe we don’t. How can we stop this evil? We don’t have the assistance of the mainstream media in publicizing these atrocities. The public are not whipped up to act, to tweet outrage, to demand change, to march on the public streets in defense of unborn babies – and their mothers, many of whom who are the walking wounded, silenced by our culture that will not hear a bad word about abortion. The media apathy toward the Gosnell Trial was very telling.

The Dioceses have the names and addresses of all registered Catholics. You can let us know. We know that you give advice of voting with our conscience, but that's not hitting home!

Sunday, March 1, 2020


February 29th 2020
Today I attended a great conference hosted by Oregon Right to Life in Tualitn, Oregon.
It wasn't possible to attend all the workshops, so I missed some speakers. The General Sessions were attended by all.
I was particularly looking forward to hearing the abortion survivors. Josiah Presley lost part of his left arm to the surgical instrument in a failed first trimester abortion. He is an inspired speaker who can inject humour into this dark topic. Claire Culwell lost her twin at 20 weeks, the abortionist did not know it was a twin pregnancy. But because her amniotic sac had been pierced, Claire was born prematurely some weeks later. Both Josiah and Claire were adopted by loving families.
Melissa Coles was 18 years old, already on the table at Planned Parenthood, and she said: ‘I’m not going to do this,’and got off. The doctor just rolled his eyes, pulled his gloves off and walked away. Nobody in the Planned Parenthood clinic had anything else to offer her. Her baby was adopted by a loving family and they have a relationship now.
(Melissa shared with us an experience that other women have had, that of 'seeing' their child, as a child or an adult, prior to the abortion. Is this God's plea to the mother not to kill the child?)
Dr. Charles Benz talked about end-of-life issues. Everybody should be educated on this. Nobody should have a POLST (Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) unless they are not expected to live beyond a year or so. It is basically a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order. Some people’s doctors have filled this form out for ‘comfort care only’ on healthy elderly patients, after a very desultory discussion about what they’d like their last days to be like. Many patients don’t know they have a POLST. Many doctors are not pro life anymore. Dr. Benz related a case where he had to fight with an ICU doctor to get a patient treated, because his POLST had a DNR. But the patients family knew that their uncle was not ready to die. He enjoyed life. He recovered to enjoy it some more.
It was MOSTLY a happy, positive day with hope and determination to alter things, to make the truth more widely known. We had Melissa Coles, an atheist and gifted number-cruncher from Secular Prolife, and repentant abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino, who has given evidence five times in Congress about the brutality of abortion, and he has come to the same conclusion as many pro life people have - THEY DON’T CARE.
This is the  most disturbing thing that I’ve found out in the last three years or so, directly as a result of fighting to keep the 8th Amendment in Ireland, this confirmation that politicians and abortion lobbyists don’t care. THEY DON’’T CARE ABOUT THE BRUTALITY. They don’t care about babies, and they don’t even care about women in crisis circumstances. If they did, why would they not be in favour of helping women have their babies, instead of bitterly opposing groups that shelter and assist women in crisis pregnancies? Women who are looking around for help? I met many of these groups today. They had booths in the lobby. The pro-abortion lobby demonize these good people, and are constantly trying to shut them down.

Birthright CARES
Options360 CARES
Road to Hope CARES
Stand Up Girl CARES
In UK and Ireland:
Good Counsel Network CARES
GiannaCare CARES

Monday, February 3, 2020


Professor Stuart Derbyshire 2006:

‘Avoiding a discussion of fetal pain with women requesting abortions is not misguided paternalism but a sound policy based on good evidence that fetuses cannot experience pain.’

Professor Stuart Derbyshire 2020 (with Professor John Brockman):

‘Fetal analgesia and anaesthesia should thus be standard for abortions in the second trimester, especially after 18 weeks when there is good evidence for a functional connection from the periphery and into the brain.’

‘Fetal analgesia results in a fetus with lowered blood pressure and reduced heart rate, and a fetus that is still and appears quiescent and calm.’


This is a horrible subject. It goes without saying that everybody undergoing a painful procedure should have pain relief.

As should unborn babies, (or foetuses, if you prefer).

Ah but they don’t suffer, they aren’t sentient, say the pro abort crowd. A clump of cells (yes, they’re still saying that!) a parasite (parasites are always different species) a blob of tissue, etc.

I wish with all my heart that these people are right. Because for 30+ years now we in USA and UK and other parts of the ‘civilised’ world have scalded and dismembered these little ones to bring about their demise. We’ve done this to millions of tiny silent human beings with the ability to experience pain in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

I have no more words. If the pro-abortion lobby turn their backs, if they stop up their ears, shut their eyes - if they choose to ignore, if they don’t care , History will condemn them later. Hopefully before they die, so they can repent and not go to Hell, which is what you get for inflicting pain, injury and death on innocent human beings.

Their descendants will be ashamed to claim them.

As usual, the intellectual mainstream media are ignoring this. Surely there are several souls among the media who are very uneasy with enabling legal abortion?  They need to have courage to speak out and join us to try make abortion unthinkable.